
Below is a list of tools and apps that I use regularly! 

Video Call


Please join each session approx. 5 min. before official start time! 

 Day Time (EST) Time (PST)
Tuesday, Jan. 10th
1-2 PM 10-11 PM
Wednesday, Jan. 11th 1-2 PM 10-11 PM
Thursday, Jan. 12th 1-2 PM 10-11 PM
Friday, Jan. 13th 1-2 PM 10-11 PM



Day 1: Takeaways from "Growth"

  • "When you stop growing, you start dying" (William S. Burroughs)


Why do small companies often loose?

  • Yes mentality
  • Wanna be everything to everybody!
  • No clear plan
  • Too opportunistic
  • FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)


Why do small companies ever win?

  • Because they are:
    • agile,
    • willing to experiment, and
    • they do the stuff that the others are unwilling/unable to do!


What do fast growing companies have in common?

  • They work on their business, not just in their business.
  • Reduce pain-points
  • Save money and/or time
  • Strongly differentiated
  • Habit forming products
  • Build strong community brands 
  • Build financial reserves.
  • Think of their bottlenecks and opportunities to scale.




Day 2: Takeaways from "Designing Memorable Experiences"


People forget what you said,
people forget what you did,
but people never forget
how you made them feel.
(Maya Angelou)


 How to Design Memorable Experiences?


Focus on the little things, the things that others are unable/unwilling to do! 



Day 3: Takeaways from "Branding"

"Branding is the process of giving meaning to a specific organization, company, product/service in the consumer's mind." 


Our goal: Obtain Brand Salience!


"Brand Salience is the degree to which a brand appears in the consideration set of a customer when he or she is in process of buying a product." 



How many logo variations do you need?




Day 4: Takeaways from "Tools"


Working ON your business, NOT only in your business!

  • Eliminate checks
  • Payroll service
  • QB help
  • Collection services
  • Assistant

